Vision 2057 to Serve as Key Framework Guiding Development Plans Across Governance Structures –Prof. Gyan-Baffour

Ghana's Vision 2057 long-term national development policy framework will serve as a key unifying strategy to guide a series of medium-term plans and annual action plans implemented across all governance structures and sectors in the country over the next 34 years. 
This emerged from the unveiling ceremony of the perspective plan organized by the National Development Planning Commission (NDPC) in Accra on Tuesday28 May,2024.
Addressing participants, the Chairman of the NDPC, Prof.  George Gyan- Baffour stated that Vision 2057 is designed as an overarching national framework that will form the basis for formulating subsequent four-year medium-term national development policy frameworks.
"These medium-term plans derived from the Vision 2057 blueprint will then cascade down to annual action plans to be implemented by the various Ministries, Departments, Agencies, Metropolitan, municipal and District Assemblies nationwide," he elaborated.
He explained that this top-down development planning architecture aims to ensure the long-term goals, objectives, strategies and targets outlined in Vision 2057 are systematically translated into concrete prioritized activities and interventions at every governance level through multi-year and annual implementation cycles.
The NDPC Chair noted that the rationale is to establish an integrated policy framework that aligns and harmonizes development efforts from the national level down to local communities in a coordinated and unified manner over the 34-year period up to 2057.
Key focus areas identified include maintaining macroeconomic stability, enhancing human capital, advancing science and technology, pursuing land reforms, developing sustainable infrastructure, and transitioning towards clean energy sources.
Prof. Gyan-Baffour clarified that this approach balances safeguarding long-term national interests with respecting the democratic rights of successive administrations to formulate and implement their own development vision and agenda as endorsed by the electorate.
The NDPC will coordinate and ensure the medium-term plans formulated by incoming governments conform to the Vision 2057 framework, while allowing them the requisite policy space to advance their programs.
The four-year medium-term plans will subsequently inform the annual budgets and action plans of the various implementing ministries, departments, agencies and metropolitan, municipal and district assemblies (MMDAs) across the country.
The NDPC Chair urged all actors and institutions across the various tiers of governance to align their development activities, projects and spending with the Vision 2057 agenda and the corresponding medium-term policy frameworks.
Public relation Unit, NDPC

He stressed that Ghana's ability to successfully drive the envisioned long-term national transformation critically hinges on harmonizing all public and private sector development efforts within the overarching policy architecture established by Vision 2057.
Vision 2057 was formulated through an extensive consultative process involving stakeholders from government, private sector, civil society organizations, political parties, academia, research institutions, development partners, traditional authorities and other interest groups.
The NDPC reviewed past long-term policies, analyzed socio-economic trends, identified priorities aligned to Ghana's development objectives, and benchmarked strategies against global commitments like the Sustainable Development Goals and African Union's Agenda 2063 in developing the new 

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