Introduction to NDPC

The National Development Planning Commission (NDPC) was established under Articles 86 and 87 of the 1992 Constitution as part of the Executive.

The National Development Planning Commission Act, 1994 (Act 479) and the National Development Planning (System) Act, 1994 (Act 480), provide the core legal framework for the establishment of the Commission and the performance of its functions.


Our mandate is backed by the legal framework of NDPC which consists of the following:

  1. National Development Planning Commission Act, 1994 (Act 479), which formally establishes NDPC
  2. National Development Planning (Systems) Act, 1994 (Act 480), which makes NDPC the national coordinating body of the Decentralised Development Planning System in Ghana.


An authoritative planning body providing sound policy choices for sustainable and even development of Ghana.


The Mission of NDPC is derived from its mandate which is to advise the President of the Republic of Ghana (and Parliament on request) on national development planning policy and strategy by providing a national development policy framework, preparing and ensuring effective implementation of approved national development plans and to coordinate economic, and social activities country-wide in a manner that will ensure accelerated and sustainable development of the country to promote continuous improvement in the living standards of all Ghanaians.

Our core values:

  1. Professionalism
  2. Excellence
  3. Integrity
  4. Honesty
  5. Team work
  6. Hard work 

Core Functions

The core functions of the Commission established by Act 479 are:

  1. The Commission shall advise the President on development planning policy and strategy.
  2. The Commission shall, at the request of the President, Parliament, or its own initiative;
  • Study and make strategic analyses of macro-economic and structural reform options
  • Make proposals for the development of multi-year rolling plans taking into consideration the resource potential and comparative advantage of the different districts of Ghana
  • Make proposals for the protection of the natural and physical environment with a view to ensuring that development strategies and programmes are in conformity with sound environmental principles
  • Make proposals for ensuring the even development of the districts of Ghana by the effective utilization of available resources
  • Monitor, evaluate and co-ordinate development polices, programmes and projects
  • Undertake studies and make recommendations on development and socio-economic issues
  • Formulate comprehensive national development planning strategies and ensure that the strategies including consequential policies and programmes are effectively carried out
  • Prepare broad national development plans
  • Keep under constant review national development plans in the light of prevailing domestic and international economic, social and political conditions and make for the revision of existing policies and programmes where necessary
  • Perform such other functions relating to development planning as the President may direct.

History of NDPC


1980 UNDP Sponsors Government of Ghana to recruit Hungarian Consultants (TESCO) to study and propose a structure for National Development Planning.

In the 1980s, as Ghana intensified the process of Decentralisation, the Government recruited a team of Hungarian consultants (TESCO), sponsored by UNDP, to study and propose a structure for national development planning based on grassroots participation. The resulting proposal from TESCO was considered at a high-level workshop in March 1987 after which a decision was taken to establish a development planning agency separate from the then Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning.


1979 First Constitutional Provision for the Establishment of a National Development Commission

The 1979 Constitution (Article 73) was the first to propose the establishment of a National Development Commission under the chairmanship of the Vice President, the first such constitutional provision in Ghana’s history. The Commission, through the Vice President, was to report to the President and had an advisory, monitoring, and evaluation role. The coup of December 1981 ended the existence of that Commission.


1987 PNDC Government Announces the Establishment of the National Development Planning Commission

In September 1987, the PNDC government announced the establishment of the National Development Planning Commission.


1989 Preparatory Committee (PREPCOM) is set up to oversee the establishment of NDPC

A preparatory committee, the Transitional Implementation Team (TIT), was accordingly set up to manage the establishment of the Commission. The TIT drew up detailed proposals for the organization and structure of the Commission and prepared an interim operating manual. The Team also prepared a draft "National Development Planning Law" as the legal basis for the Commission. The draft law underwent a number of revisions and was accepted by the government in 1989 but was not immediately promulgated.


1990 NDPC Begins operations at Flagstaff House

In early 1990, the government decided to proceed administratively with the implementation of the TIT's recommendations A Preparatory Committee (PREPCOM) for the establishment of NDPC was thus set up under the chairmanship of Lieutenant-General Arnold Quainoo, a member of the PNDC. The Commission began operations at Flagstaff House, Accra, on 2 April 1990.


1992 Promulgation of the 1992 Constitution of Ghana affirms legal status of NDPC as part of the Executive

With the change from military to constitutional rule in 1993, the Commission’s legal status was affirmed by Article 86 of the 1992 Constitution, which formalised the establishment of the Commission, and Article 87, which spelt out the Commission's functions, including the mandate to "advise the President on development planning policy and strategy”


1994 Establishment of NDPC

In September 1994, the National Development Planning Commission (NDPC) Act, (Act 479), was promulgated in accordance with the 1992 Constitution. Lieutenant-Colonel Mensah K. Gbedemah, who had been the secretary to the PREPCOM from February 1991 to June 1994, was appointed technical head of NDPC. From June 1994 to February 1995, Dr. Kobena G. Erbynn, a university lecturer, replaced Lt.-Col. Gbedemah.


1995 First Governing Board of NDPC sworn into office by President Jerry John Rawlings

On the basis of the Act, in February 1995, a Governing Board of the Commission was established, replacing the interim management and board. On 15 June 1995, President Jerry John Rawlings officially swore in the first generation of members of the Commission at the Castle, Osu. Among the leading members were: Mr. Paul Victor Obeng (Presidential Advisor on Governmental Affairs) as Chairman; Prof. E.A. Boateng (former Head of the Environmental Protection Council and former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cape Coast) as Vice-Chairman; and Dr. Kobena G. Erbynn as Acting Director-General of NDPC. Lt.-Gen. Arnold Quainoo stayed on as a member of the 35-member Commission.


2002 - Present Swearing in of Successive Governing Boards

On February 7, 2002, President J.A. Kuffour after taking over the reigns of government from President J. J Rawlings, inaugurated, the second governing board of NDPC. Since then, NDPC has had three more governing boards being sworn into office under different Presidents. These are: 2010 – Third Governing Board of NDPC was sworn into office by President J.E.A Mills. 2015 – Fourth Governing Board of NDPC sworn into office by President J.D. Mahama. 2018 – Fifth Governing Board of NDPC sworn into office by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo- Addo.

Contact Us

#13 Switchback Road, P. O. Box CT 633, Cantonments, Accra - Ghana
Digital Address | GA-147-0671

Opening Hours:

Monday -Friday : 8am - 5pm

News Letter

The National Development Planning Commission (NDPC) was established under Articles 86 and 87 of the 1992 Constitution as part of the Executive.

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