Strengthening Local Partnerships Key to Achieving SDGs, Ghana Emphasises at HLPF Side Event

Strengthening Local Partnerships Key to Achieving SDGs, Ghana Emphasises at HLPF Side Event

During the 2024 UN High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Ghana emphasised the significance of strengthening local partnerships to expedite advancements towards the global goals at a side event on Thursday, July 11, 2024.
The event, themed "Strengthening Partnerships at the Local Level for Effective Service Delivery: VLR as a Tool for Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development," was organised by the National Development Planning Commission (NDPC) in partnership with Engagement Global, GIZ, and with support from Ghana's Permanent Mission to the UN.
In his opening remarks, Ambassador Harold Agyeman, Head of Ghana's Mission to the UN, emphasized the critical role of localizing the SDGs and strengthening local institutions to address underperforming goals and drive sustainable development.
"Effective implementation of the SDGs requires active engagement and ownership at the local level," said Ambassador Agyeman. "By forging stronger partnerships between national and local governments, as well as with civil society and the private sector, we can better address the unique challenges and needs of our communities."
Mrs. Alice Amekudzi, Technical Head of Ghana's Delegation and Acting Director of Development Policy and Planning, NDPC highlighted Ghana's significant progress in integrating the SDGs into national and local development plans since 2015. She presented data showing improvements in key areas such as education, access to basic services, and gender parity.
Ing. Nana Ato Arthur, Head of the Local Government Service and Ghana's delegation for the 2024 UN HLPF, reiterated the importance of Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs) in complementing Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) to track progress on the SDGs.
Along with demonstrating successful international partnerships for the 2030 Agenda, the event also included presentations on VLR reports from Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly in the Western Region and Ga West Municipal Assembly in the Greater Accra Region, as well as the City of Kiel in Germany.
Representatives from UN DESA and Engagement Global/BMZ DIFU emphasized the need for stronger fiscal autonomy and decentralization to empower local governments and improve their capacity to deliver essential services and drive sustainable development.
The side event underscored Ghana's commitment to localizing the SDGs and the country's leadership in championing the role of local governments and partnerships in achieving the global goals.


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