Ghana Harnesses Diaspora Potential for Sustainable Development

 In a bid towards leveraging the power of its diaspora community, Ghana hosted a high-level workshop focused on the contribution of Ghanaians living abroad to the nation's development. The event, organised by the National Development Planning Commission (NDPC) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), brought together representatives from diverse institutions and sectors to explore strategies for optimizing diaspora engagement.
In his opening remarks, Dr Eric Akobeng, a senior technical advisor at the NDPC, said, that migration is not only a movement of people but also an avenue for cross-fertilisation of ideas, leveraging critical developmental strategies and resources, as well as favourable cultural practices, emphasising the multifaceted roles of diaspora communities.
Dr. Akobeng highlighted the collaborative efforts of the NDPC and the UNECA, underscoring the importance of a collective approach to addressing the challenges and opportunities in this domain.
"Together, we have the power to drive change and shape a future that is inclusive, sustainable, and prosperous for all," he remarked, calling on the participants to engage in meaningful dialogues, share valuable insights, and lay the groundwork for strategies that will harness the full potential of Ghana's diaspora communities.
Dr. Akobeng reflected on the success of the workshop. He expressed gratitude for the active participation and high-level professionalism demonstrated by the attendees, noting that the discussions had not only highlighted the crucial role of remittances in national development but also set the stage for future initiatives to enhance their impact.
The commitment and passion exhibited during the event have instilled great confidence in the NDPC's leadership, who believe that Ghana is on the right path to leveraging diaspora engagement for sustainable development. 
Dr Akobeng encouraged all participants to carry forward the momentum from the workshop into their respective domains, emphasising the importance of continued collaboration and innovation in this endeavour.
This inception workshop marks a significant step towards Ghana's efforts to harness the potential of its diaspora community, aligning with the country's commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals, the African Union Agenda 2063, and the Global Compact for Migration. As the nation moves forward, the insights and strategies developed during this workshop will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping a more prosperous and inclusive future for all Ghanaians, both at home and abroad.
The workshop participants delved into the dynamics of diaspora engagement, with a particular focus on the impact of remittances and ensuring that the benefits of migration are maximised for national development. 
The workshop brought together stakeholders from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration (MoFARI) Ministry of Finance (MoF) The Diaspora Affairs Bureau, the Office of the President (DAOOP) Ministry of the Interior (MINTER UNCT Migration Network (IOM) Ghana Investment Promotion Council (GIPC) and representatives from the banking sector including Central Bank of Ghana (BoG) Ghana Commercial Bank (GCB) and the Consolidated Bank Ghana (CBG)


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