National Development Planning Commission
Dr. Soale Buah is an experienced Project Management Specialist with a specialty in building and construction. He has vast experience in leadership and has been a General Manager of the Universal Construction and Engineering Company Limited since 2015. His passion for exceptionality has led him to acquire licences such as Chartered Project Management Professional from Chartered Institute of Management and Leadership, United States of America, and Chartered Management Consultants from Charted Institute of Administrators and Management Consultants, Ghana. He also holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Project Management from IIC Technology University, Cambodia. He is a Fellow of Chartered Institute of Leadership and Governance (CILG), USA, and a Chartered Institute of Management and Leadership (CILM), USA.
Prior to joining Universal Construction and Engineering Company Limited, Dr. Buah worked as an Administrator for so many District Hospitals as well as becoming a District Health Administrator at Kpandai District Health Administration.
#13 Switchback Road,
P. O. Box CT 633,
Cantonments, Accra - Ghana
Digital Address | GA-147-0671
Monday -Friday : 8am - 5pm
The National Development Planning Commission (NDPC) was established under Articles 86 and 87 of the 1992 Constitution as part of the Executive.